I'm athy/ridI am a minor + desi i go by she/her
♡ 24・09 ! info
YAY music coffee darkness pastels novels peace NAY toxic bitches neon cig smell annoying ppl
comf chara Nagi, Bachira, Yumeko, Xei Lian, Ye Qingtang + I kin Hua cheng & Shen Yanxiao <3 love! Shari/Roxy my wife ♡
comf chara Nagi, Bachira, Yumeko, Xei Lian, Ye Qingtang + I kin Hua cheng & Shen Yanxiao <3 love! Shari/Roxy my wife ♡
bef you friend I am moody and kinda clingy, I get annoyed easily. I love donnghuas and c-dramas and I develope crush easily (which doesn't last btw). I swear a lot smtimes. DNFI if you can't appreciate me & think reading is for fools 💀 like girl what + you don't understand ...jokes or you pass offensive comments & term them jokes.